SA 1900 Internship

Studio Arts majors who have completed 30 credits in Studio Arts may take an SA Internship. Internships provide on-the-job experience in art-related fields, as well as opportunities to work in museums, galleries, arts organizations, and more. BEFORE REGISTERING for the course, students should visit the Studio Arts Department Office to receive a copy of the internship contract and to search for opportunities in the department's internship directory. Students must target and arrange to meet with an internship project sponsor, who will outline hours and duties and complete and sign a portion of the contract form. Students then return the forms for departmental approval. Students may propose a sponsor or project not listed in the department's directory. Approval or advice is provided in an appointment with the Department chair, the internship sponsor. In addition to meeting work hours (a three-credit internship requires 120 hours of work throughout a semester), all interns are required to keep an internship journal recording duties and activities; the journal will be used as the basis for a five-page paper summarizing internship experience. In addition, visual documentation of the work produced during the SA internship is required (portfolio, CD/DVD, etc.).

Credits: 1-6

Prerequisite: 30 credits in Studio Arts earned prior to registration and Instructor Consent